The Silly Language of School Reform

29 Feb

You Got To Be Kidding

Submitted by Frank Murphy on February 29, 2012

This video was linked in a post titled “Geezer Teachers” written by Nancy Flanagan and published on the blog Teacher in a Strange Land. It was written in response to the statement that career teachers are becoming a thing of the past. This article is an interesting read.

I watched this You Tube video several times.  After each new viewing, I wondered the same thing.  Do people really talk like this?  Or is this video a gag?

If Teach for America fellows truly do engage is this type of dialogue, then I have to say they’ve got to be kidding.  This school reform gibberish is seriously silly. It is as nonsensical as the  “words of mass reduction” that I discussed in this post.  What do think?



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